Wednesday, February 13, 2019

A very short week, as teachers will be attending the Teacher's Convention Thursday and Friday. Despite that, we had a profitable, engaging week.

In math, we are well into multiplication now. The students have a good grasp of what it is. We are utilizing the simplified definition of 'repeated addition'. We have set out expectations for grade 3 and grade 4 outcomes (please feel free to view the Program of Studies: Math)and we are now building our competencies in the algorithms, starting with the standard. We'll examine the lattice next week. Students will be encouraged to choose and master at least one algorithm.

In literacy, we had our School-Wide Write this week. Students were given a set topic (If you could go anywhere, where would you go?) and a set time to plan, write, and edit. Given our short week, this took up most of our time.

In science, we are well into examining simple machines. We have looked at levers and inclined planes (the two basic types of simple machine), and will continue next week with the other four (wheels and axles, pulleys, wedges, and screws). We examined the concept of work, looking at it as the idea of force applied over distance. We talked about what is work, and what is not in physics.

With levers, we performed a small experiment that demonstrated how levers make work easier. By sliding the load along the meter stick (lever), students were able to physically feel the difference in the work their arm was doing to lift the load, as well as quantify that difference with a spring scale.



We also had our school science fair for the grade 5-6 students, and we had a chance to visit as a class and see what the other students were up to. 

In physical education, Mr. Ellice has worked hard with the students on various dance styles. Today the students had a chance to share their moves. 

On Tuesday, when we get back, there will be a geography test (postponed due to our School-Wide Write). It will be on North America. Students were given a study sheet earlier this week. In case they lost it, they need to know the following locations and be able to accurately place them on a map. This is part of our social studies exploration of Peru, India, Tunisia, and Ukraine. I believe we need to know, not just where those countries are, but their relationship to Canada, as well as know about our own continent. Students should be able to locate: 

a)    Calgary
b)    Ottawa
c)     Washington D.C.
d)    Mississippi River
e)    Rocky Mountains
f)     Pacific Ocean
g)    Atlantic Ocean
h)    Arctic Ocean
i)      Ellesmere Island
j)      Greenland

 Enjoy your long weekend, and we'll see you on Tuesday. 

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