Thursday, May 16, 2019

In math, we've moved on to perimeter, area, units and measuring. We'll be engaging in a number of activities that will involve learning about these ideas with hands-on measuring. We began today with measuring our classroom. Students worked in different teams and attempted to measure the perimeter of our classroom. After they had finished measuring, I asked the teams to compare their measurements. They were astounded at how different they were, some off by more than 1 or 2m. We talked about why that was, and the importance of measuring accurately and how to do that.

We'll redo this activity next week and use our (accurate) measurements to create a scale drawing of our classroom, including the perimeter and area in sq. m. We'll have to decide on the proper units to use and how to scale our blueprint, as well. We'll discuss converting to different units (cm, m, mm, km, etc.).

We also had a visit this week from It's a Crime Not to Read. Calgary police officers visited and read to the students. If your child has any books from ICNTR, please have them return them to school on Tuesday. 

In social, we worked on designing Pysanky eggs, a Ukrainian tradition. On Wednesday, May 22 our class will use our designs to create their own eggs. As we'll be using dyes to color our eggs, please ensure your child comes to school prepared for this activity by supplying them with clothing they do not mind staining. These dyes will NOT come out of clothing. 

In literacy, we are working developing characters, plots, and settings towards a new short story writing project. We're looking at how professionals do it. Using my experience as an author, editor, and academic, we're examining the process of creating interesting writing, editing, and publishing. 

On May 30th our school will be going on a school-wide picnic to Bowness Park (weather permitting). We'll be bussing to a nearby school and then walking to the park. We are looking for volunteers, so if you have your up-to-date police check and are on our volunteer list, we'd love to have you help out. 

Have a great long weekend. Remember, no school Friday or Monday!

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